What Does Telus Do As A Company

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Telus is a US-based company that provides content writing, translation, testing, and artificial intelligence services for two decades. The company had entered the race with services in translation, but have expanded their horizons over the years. They specialize in data collection, data annotation, data validation, and linguistics. Having translated over 273 million words, and supporting 350+ languages, there is no stopping for this global leader. They have thousands of worldwide clients spread across 250+ markets. The giant businesses like Google and Facebook are also their global customers.

Telus mainly works by appointing individuals as independent agents for various projects dealing with crowdsourcing, testing, digital marketing, etc. The website is truly a storehouse of work for freelancers. They appoint individuals from all around the world and give them work-from-home opportunities with hourly pay. There are various job openings such as that of Web Ad Assessor, Content Editor, Content Developer, Internet Safety Evaluator, Internet Assessor, Online Map Quality Analyst, Language Consultant.

If you want to know how to apply at Telus or just want to get help with a Telus exam, feel free to contact us and we will make sure that all your questions are answered.

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